Saturday, December 2, 2017

Nationalize the Cable Companies

Cable and DSL companies should be nationalized, because internet is only second in importance to water to a community. I see the whole net neutrality argument as a symptom of a larger problem, that just a few companies monopolize internet access. There is no free market in internet providers. Instead, I have to pay one company, if I want fast internet. The internet provider stinks, by 2017 standards, and overcharges, and engages in deceptive practices. Every American should be getting 10G speed right now, even in the most rural regions, for the exorbitant prices we are paying.

But the Trump supporters are elated, and why? Because they love to suffer, and poverty for them is the only path to Grace. Every dollar they earn, they want to give to a rich man. They want the cable companies to charge them a lot for slow internet, because they feel like no one deserves fast internet, and who needs it anyway, when you have FOX news to watch 24/7.

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