Friday, December 8, 2017

Book of Enoch

I've been reading the Bible lately, or rather, the forbidden books, the Apocrypha, which are new to me. The Book of Enoch, specifically, which was canon until the Dark Ages. I am impressed by the similarity between Biblical tone and that of rap music. So much energy is expended establishing a mighty ego; I am the Lord Thy God, etc. I do not know why a powerful entity would need to descend to such theatrics. I am not impressed by rap music, either. I suspect most rap musicians would cry like a baby if they get stubbed their toe.

Many Spirits are named in Enoch, but it is, so far, difficult to take Enoch very seriously; I suspect it is a tome designed with an ancient, forgotten political agenda, rather than a spiritual one, like a goodly portion of religious scripture, if we are honest.

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